Book Overview
This book is one man’s reflection on his observations of the ecology of a small creek near his childhood home in southeast Ohio. As a wildlife biologist, Theodore N. Bailey had extensive knowledge of the flora and fauna that flourished at Leatherwood Creek. His meticulous research into the biological, cultural, and historical aspects of this area provides a wealth of information. At the beginning of each chapter, the author offers personal reflections of the creek from his memories growing up in southeastern Ohio in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. At the end of each chapter, he explores how the region has changed over the years. Backed with scientific evidence, the author’s thoughtful insights will inspire Ohio residents and others throughout the world to cultivate a deeper appreciation for the great diversity of life that is all around us, and a greater desire to take the time to observe and protect our natural world.
Print Type: Color Book
Dimensions: 8.5×11
Page Count: 386 pages
Print Type: Black and White
Dimensions: 6×9
Page Count: 514 pages